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Laugh-Out-Loud Animal Jokes For Kids

Laugh-Out-Loud Animal Jokes For Kids



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Q: Why can't you trust a pig? A: It will always squeal on you. Q: Why was the bird nervous after lunch? A: He had butterflies in his stomach. Q: What kind of bear doesn't have any teeth? A: A gummy bear. All kids love animals, and all kids love to laugh. Now the author of the bestselling Laugh-Out-Loud Jokes for Kids offers this fresh collection of hundreds of animal-themed jokes that will have animal lovers rolling in the aisles. Forget about chickens crossing roads. Zoolarious Animal Jokes for Kids is a veritable joke jungle for young comedians everywhere.
ISBN: 9780800723750
Baker Book House
Product Code: 200081
Dimensions: 108 x 178 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 128
Release Date: 01.03.2014
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