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Love By The Numbers

Love By The Numbers



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After a buggy accident claims the life of her fiancé, Lydia Hershberger makes a fresh start in Jamesport, Missouri, managing a gift store. It isn’t long before she meets the young man hired to handle the bookkeeping—Caleb Bontrager, whose handcrafted cuckoo clocks are sold in the store. // And it isn't long before Caleb has made up his mind about her: bright and sparkly but not right for him. Alarmed by his attraction to her, he determines to settle down with someone more practical. Less sparkle. More logic. But he can’t seem to shake his feelings for Lydia. // When false allegations by the bishop back home catch up with Lydia and threaten to ruin her reputation, can she clear her name and find lasting happiness? Or will her sunny disposition fade away into heartbreak?


Products » BOOKS » Fiction » Romantic
ISBN: 9781629119328
Whitaker Publishers
Product Code: 10039666
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 272
Release Date: 06.02.2018
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