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Love The World

Love The World



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Writing from lived experience as much as knowledge, David Adam conveys a delight in the mystery of being that is deeply attractive. Love the World  opens by looking at the beginning of the universe, then moves on to the earth’s atmosphe ere, the miracle of water and things that we often take for granted but are essential for our health and happiness. It focuses on our relationship with the world and encourages us to reflect on what really matters: ‘In our most fragile moments we know that we are of dust and to dust we shall return, but in our depths, we know there is more. We are not created out of nothing but out of love. The very source of your being is love.’ 
ISBN: 9780281077762
The Society for Promoting Chri
Product Code: 10053729
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 160
Release Date: 19.07.2018
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