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Luke 18-24 Macarthur New Testament Commentary

Luke 18-24 Macarthur New Testament Commentary



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Luke 18-24 concludes The MacArthur New Testament Commentary's look at the longest of the four gospels.  The commentary provides a verse-by-verse and phrase-by-phrase exposition of the text, taking into account the cultural, theological, and Old Testament contexts of each passage.  Interpretive challenges are fully dealt with, and differing views are fairly evaluated.  In chapters 18-24, Luke traces the final phase of Jesus' ministry as enters Jerusalem with fanfare, is tried and crucified by His enemies, and is resurrected in victory.  Join John MacArthur as he explains each verse in a way that is both doctrinally precise and intensely practical.    

ISBN: 9780802409690
Moody Publishers
Product Code: 292508
152 x 38 x 229 mm
Binding: Hard Cover
Number of pages: 496
Release Date: 01.10.2014
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