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Ant hasn’t been going out with Lou for weeks. He’s just been too busy to see it yet. Liam is playing Fightzone with Ant. And seeing Lou later. Lou wants to do the right thing. But she’s so scared. Sam’s mum says he makes her as miserable as his dad does. And no-one’s telling Steph anything! Five mates. The best of mates. But everything’s about to explode … Messenger is the brilliant new book by Paul Kercal, author of Dr Sylver and the Library of Everything. Written entirely in chat room text, it follows the lives, passions and hurts of five friends who suddenly find their relationships – once so true – are on the brink of total collapse. Help could be closer to home than they realise. If only they knew what to ask for …
ISBN: 9780232527520
Darton, Longman And Todd
Product Code: 10038175
Dimensions: 180 x 138 mm
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 25.08.2017
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