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Mommy Time

Mommy Time

90 Devotions for New Moms



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Every new mom experiences a myriad of emotions"”joy, love, the frightening, yet terrific reality that you are now responsible for a tiny little dependent. And in the midst of all these emotions"”and burpings, feedings, diaper changes, and quick naps"”moms need to be reminded of God's awesomeness. In this gift-like book, new mom and best-selling author Sarah Arthur writes about how delivering her son three weeks early reminds her of God's timing, how her trip home from the hospital with her newborn son tucked away in his car seat points to God being in control even when she is fearful, and how a mom's concern over friendly strangers touching her young child in the grocery store also reminds her that people are sent to help. In a fresh and contemplative style, Arthur sits alongside Mom and helps her understand that God is in control . . . even when her life feels drastically out of control. This devotional will be a great companion for Mom during the small amount of time she gets to sit and be still and think of the truths of God's word, while relating it to her new favorite subject"”her baby.
ISBN: 9781414374758
Tyndale House Publishers
Product Code: 178362
Dimensions: 140 x 210 mm
Binding: Hard Cover
Release Date: 01.04.2013
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