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Murder on the Moor

Murder on the Moor



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The rolling, frigid mists that creep in over the Yorkshire Moors hide a mystery as challenging as Drew has ever faced At the urgent request of an old school friend, Drew and Madeline Farthering come to Bloodworth Park Lodge in the midst of the Yorkshire moors, a place as moody and mysterious as a Brontë hero. There have been several worrisome incidents around those lonesome rolling hills--property desecrated, fires started, sheep and cattle scattered. Worst of all, the vicar has been found dead on the steps of the church, a crime for which Drew can discern no motive at all. Few in the town of Bunting's Nest seem like suspects, and Drew can't keep his suspicions from falling on his friend's new bride. Do her affections lie more with her husband's money and estate, while her romantic interests stray to their fiery Welsh gamekeeper? As the danger grows ever closer, it's up to Drew to look past his own prejudices, determine what's really going on, and find the killer before it's too late.
ISBN: 9780764218286
Baker Book House
Product Code: 10028610
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 336
Release Date: 16.01.2017
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