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My Book Of Hobbies And God's Book, The Bible

My Book Of Hobbies And God's Book, The Bible



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We all have different hobbies and things we enjoy doing on our holidays and in our free time. Starting from Proverbs 30, Terence Crosby looks at its writer, Agur, to see what kinds of things he seemed to be interested in, and then takes us on 'outings' to experience and learn about some of those kinds of interests. From these, he draws lessons about eternal truths and our relationship with God. For example, we visit zoos, and learn lessons from insects, hear about the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, go sight-seeing around a town, and watch a cricket match. In all these different things, Terence Peter Crosby engages us with pictures of God's wonderful salvation and how to grow in the Christian life.
ISBN: 9781846250248
DayOne Publications
Product Code: 765275
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 29.08.2015
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