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Naked Prayers

Naked Prayers

Honest Confession To A Loving Creator



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Prayer is simply about getting naked before God: no frills, no pretence, just honest confessions to the one who made us and loves us unconditionally Imagine the book of Psalms filled with doodles and accompanied by songs of intimate meditation. Naked Prayers is a contemporary take on an ancient tradition. Through her autobiographical collection of prayers – expressed in words, doodles and songs – Mara shows that there is no wrong way to pray. Her honest interaction with God speaks to this generation’s pursuit of authentic faith. Come with Mara through her four stages of self discovery: Following God through making a home in New York City Fretting about the purpose and direction of her life Falling into a period of depression Finding her way back to freedom


Products » BOOKS » Christian Life » Prayer
ISBN: 9780281076277
The Society for Promoting Chri
Product Code: 988110
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 01.04.2016
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