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Names Of The Holy Spirit

Names Of The Holy Spirit



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Spirit of Truth.  Dove.  Spirit of Holiness. Eyes of the Lord

How much do you know about the person and works of the Holy Spirit?  To many Christians, the third member of the Trinity is a mystery.

This devotional study of the Holy Spirit looks at His ministry throughout Scripture as revealed in the names the Bible gives Him.  Knowledge of Him will help you understand:

-His power                            -His intercession
-His indwelling                       -His gifts
-His anointing                         -Fruit produced in believers

Names of the Holy Spirit follows Names of Christ in a trilogy designed to help Christians better understand the glory, majesty, and power of the triune God.

ISBN: 9780802460455
Moody Publishers
Product Code: 292122
108 x 16 x 178 mm
Weight: 140.740kg
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 224
Release Date: 01.07.1995
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