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1. Do you believe 1 John 1:9, 'If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness,' should be taken literally? If not, what do you think this verse means? Do you believe there's any other way to be forgiven by God than confessing our sin? 2. Are there sins you've confessed that you don't feel forgiven for? If so, can you identify the reason why you have doubts? Does your reasoning line up with Scripture? Is it possible it's actually you who hasn't forgiven the sin and not God? 3. Is there a difference between deeply regretting your sinful past and being guilt-ridden? If so, can you explain the difference? What is the biblical remedy for guilt and shame? 4. Is there a sin in your past that you've confessed but live in fear of someone else finding out? If so, are you still carrying the shame? According to 1 John 1:9, has God forgiven you? Can anything positive come from your carrying the shame? What do you think God wants you to do? 5. When a believer continues to struggle with guilt, do you think confiding in a trusted brother or sister in Christ could be a powerful tool for letting it go? Can you think of some cautions a person should consider before doing this? 6. Can you think of a situation when you heard someone share something surprising about his or her struggle with sin and you actually found yourself respecting that person more for having had the courage to admit it? Were you able to empathize with his/her weakness? Did the person seem more real to you afterward? 7. Can deeper healing result from knowing we're loved and accepted in spite of our sin? Do you think God can use your sinful mistakes as a means of teaching you empathy for others who also struggle? 8. Do you believe God always forgives a person who has repented and asked His forgiveness? If so, do you believe His grace would be given in equal measure to someone like Ivy Griffith for a decade of abusing her body, as it would to Elam Griffith for harboring a six-month grudge? Explain your answer. 9. In Matthew 18:22, Jesus tells us to forgive others seventy times seven. Do you think that statement should be taken literally? If not, what do you think it means? Do you think there's value in applying that same principle when forgiving ourselves? 10. Do you think God punishes us if we don't repent once we realize we're sinning? When you've experienced hardship, have you ever secretly feared that God was punishing you? Is it possible He was disciplining you as outlined in Hebrews 12:711? 11. Have you ever experienced this type of godly discipline? Did it make you fearful, or remorseful? Did it eventually cause you to grow more Christlike? 12. Do you believe Psalm 103:12, which says, 'As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us,' should be taken literally? If not, what do you think it means? If so, should we ever dredge up the sins we've already confessed? 13. Is there ever a time when we have the right to hold someone else's sin against him or her? If you think there is, find biblical support for your answer. 14. What are some of the faulty perceptions a person might have that create stumbling blocks to accepting God's forgiveness? Do faulty perceptions change the truth of 1 John 1:9? 15. Who was your favorite character in this story? If you could meet that person, what would you like to say to him or her? 16. Did God speak to your heart through this story? Was there a particular thought or principle you took away?


Products » BOOKS » Fiction » Suspense
ISBN: 9781590529225
Producer: Multnomah UK
Product Code: 10044332
139 x 20 x 208 mm
Weight: 299.000kg
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 16.10.2007
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