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Discovering New Territory Through God



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Life, God and faith contain endless 'Terra Incognita,' or uncharted territory, just waiting to be discovered. You were made to believe, think and act with a Newlandic spirit and to live in a Newlandic way. Regardless of whether you greet new things with enthusiasm or a hint of scepticism. God is Newlandic. He wants to lead you to wide open spaces, to break down barriers that limit you, to broaden your horizons. Boppi identifies four Newlandic territories: our image of God, our own hearts, our relationships and our interaction with the world. As we let go of fear and begin to apply God's Newlandic principles, we will begin to see a breathtaking panorama.
ISBN: 9780857219558
Producer: Lion Hudson
Product Code: 10062070
Dimensions: 130 x 198 mm
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 20.03.2020
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