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Numbers: In The Wilderness

Numbers: In The Wilderness

60 Undated Bible Readings



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The book of Numbers with its censuses, rules for holy living and grumbling people can sometimes seem as barren and dry as the desert the Israelites were traveling through. However, if we only ever see Numbers as boring and irrelevant, we will miss out on all the wisdom it contains for our lives. Like the Israelites, we too are on a journey and can often feel like we are in a spiritual wilderness. Numbers holds great encouragement for us we are reminded how God never leaves or forsakes His people. With his characteristically engaging and clear style Adrian Reynolds walks us through Numbers in 60 undated devotions. You’ll see how God provided for His people on their journey and how He spoke to them and reminded them of His presence with them. Use this booklet as your guide to the often undervalued book of Numbers and discover what it can teach us about our salvation as we make our way towards our own Promised Land, eternity with Christ.
ISBN: 9781911272571
Producer: 10Publishing
Product Code: 10034288
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 64
Release Date: 03.07.2017
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