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Our Glorious God

Our Glorious God

The Attributes of God by A W Pink with a ten week Bible study course by Betty Thomas



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The Attributes of God by AW Pink with a ten week Bible Study course by Betty Thomas. A.W. Pink's The Attributes of God is a classic that presents the seventeen attributes of God in a way that is accessible to the less-experienced reader as well as providing enough for those with deeper familiarity with Christian literature. This is our God as Scripture reveals him, and it is vital that we have this understanding and not an image of God from our own imagination. Reading this book will warm your heart and enhance true worship. The Bible study published in Our Glorious God was written to help the reader more fully grasp and appreciate A.W. Pink's book. It includes the reading of Pink's chapters along with five days each week of biblical sections that highlight God's praiseworthy qualities.
ISBN: 9781783970070
Evangelical Press
Product Code: 861861
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 29.08.2015
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