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Paul, Man on a Mission

Paul, Man on a Mission

The Life and Letters of an Adventurer for Jesus



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Paul wasn’t one of Jesus’ friends – in fact he really didn’t like the whole “Jesus crew” at all. They were wrong! Even worse, they were telling lies that confused people about how to live properly in God’s way.But Paul’s life-journey is about to be dramatically turned upside down when he actually meets Jesus himself. In a blinding-flash encounter he is given an assignment from God in a mission that will change the lives of Jewish and Gentile people across the world from the first century right through to today. Here storyteller and scribe, Maximus details Paul’s dangerous, thrilling, and adventurous journeys.


Products » Childrens Books » Fiction
ISBN: 9780745977393
Producer: Lion Hudson
Product Code: 10040098
Dimensions: 198 x 130 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 160
Release Date: 20.10.2017
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