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People In The Passion Of Jesus

People In The Passion Of Jesus



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We can be glad for Mel Gibson's film, The Passion of the Christ, in at least one respect: it has familiarized many with the term 'Passion'. People now know it refers to the suffering of Jesus Christ. How did his suffering come to be called the 'passion'? The answer is our word 'passion' comes from the Latin word 'passio', which means 'suffering'. The Passion of Christ is an inexhaustible subject. In these warm and challenging devotional studies, Roger Ellsworth takes a look at the Passion through the eyes of the people most closely associated with it. By reminding us again of the wonder of what Christ did on the cross for ordinary people, he encourages us to become more passionate about the Passion and how we serve our Saviour.
DayOne Publications
ISBN: 9781846250613
Product Code: 765515
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 29.08.2015
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