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Persevering Prayer

Persevering Prayer


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In this updated and revised edition of his book, 'Praying the Price', the author has shown us not only how prayer should relate to church growth, but more importantly how it actually does relate to church growth. He provides us with updates concerning key players in the great prayer movements around the world today and how these are rapidly gaining ground. What Stuart Robinson writes is much more than a survey of biblical, historical and contemporary data. It clearly outlines the steps that need to be taken so that prayer becomes central in the life and growth of every church. He states that "When the church sets itself to pray with the same seriousness and strength of purpose that it has devoted to other forms of Christian effort, it will see the Kingdom of God come with power."


Products » BOOKS » Christian Life » Prayer
ISBN: 9781852404338
Sovereign World Ltd
Product Code: 854284
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 01.12.2005
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