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Pictures of the Early Church

Pictures of the Early Church



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This book is an invitation to read the 27 documents that make up the library we call ‘the New Testament’. They come in different shapes and sizes; there are the five (yes, five) narratives that we call ‘gospels’. And there are other documents that we call ‘letters’, though not many of them are the kind of thing you might receive in today’s post. All of them have something to do with, indeed each of them sheds a different light on, the remarkable person whom we call Jesus of Nazareth, who was put to death because the political authorities could not cope with him, and whom God raised from that appalling death. This book will tell you how the New Testament works, and how it could change your life.
ISBN: 9781848678453
Producer: Kevin Mayhew
Product Code: 10053142
UPC: 1501521
Weight: 441.000kg
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 13.05.2016
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