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Based on The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan


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Life is a journey, not without hazards, opposition, deception and danger. Pilgrim knows that the world in which he lives is ruled by deception and lies. To find out the truth he risks becoming marginalised and persecuted, even imprisoned. He is told about the planet Celeste and the Star Prince. He makes the brave decision to leave his home and companions to discover if the stories of the Star Prince are true. In this exciting story you will meet many familiar characters - Apollyon, Faithful, Hope, Dr Worldly Wiseman, Crafty, Despair and Delectable. This futuristic story is a good introduction to 'The Pilgrim's Progress' by John Bunyan. For those who have read the original, you will enjoy this modern alternative version. Adult Edition
ISBN: 9781910197097
Onwards & Upwards Publishing
Product Code: 853283
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 16.03.2014
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