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Prayer a Day For Lent, A

Prayer a Day For Lent, A



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The six weeks of Lent are a time of preparing: a time when we seek to understand the fullness of Christ’s offering on the cross and rejoice in the resurrection. Lent is a time to improve our prayer life and to make sure we spend some time each day with our God.  David Adam, author of many inspiring books on prayer and spirituality, presents here daily prayers that are a spur to help us enter into stillness with our God of love. The weekly themes are: dedication, love, guidance, the help of God, the power of God.
ISBN: 9781848670761
Producer: Kevin Mayhew
Product Code: 951517
UPC: 1501134
Weight: 54.000kg
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 31.10.2008
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