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Prayers To Calm Your Heart

Prayers To Calm Your Heart

Finding the Path to More Peace and Less Stress



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Bestselling author Elizabeth George shares from her own personal experiences, points to specific and helpful Scripture verses, and offers soothing prayers to help readers with anxious hearts. As she encourages her readers to develop a solid trust in the Lord, she also offers practical step-by-step advice for facing such worrisome topics as health, finances, and family matters.

This beautifully designed gift book is part practical, part inspirational, and altogether essential to keep worry and runaway fear in check. It's a welcome gift to give at any time on any occasion.

ISBN: 9780736938518
Harvest House Publishers
Product Code: 210210
Dimensions: 152 x 152 mm
Binding: Hard Cover
Number of pages: 64
Release Date: 01.02.2014
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