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Praying Clear Through

Praying Clear Through



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Most believers do not rise to their full privilege in prayer. Successful prayer cannot be rushed. If we want to hear from heaven, we must allow time for God’s voice to successfully break through the din of life. When we have a tremendous amount of work to be done for the day, we dare not leave out prayer. As Martin Luther observed, “I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.” The real danger in not taking sufficient time to commune with God and implore him for our requests is the resulting slow erosion of the Spirit’s voice, when life’s static distracts a Believer from what is truly important and necessary to a successful life. In Praying Clear Through, Will Harney demonstrates by examples from his own life that there are vast rewards in store for those who make prayer a top priority. Prayer should not be a chore for the growing Christian but one of the highest privileges accorded us. The author decries the fast pace of his age for crowding out the time of prayer—a century ago. He urges the believer to “pray clear through”— that is, to pray with urgency until he or she hears from heaven. This book has thirty-three short chapters (5-6 pages each) that bounce from prayer topic to prayer topic—including obedience, the prayer closet, not looking but trusting, and how prayer is the secret to revival. The final chapter is a short guide on how to use prayer to obtain great victories. Contains modern Introduction by Nick Harrison.


Products » BOOKS » Christian Life » Prayer
ISBN: 9781641233323
Whitaker Publishers
Product Code: 10062596
Dimensions: 140 x 216 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 192
Release Date: 10.12.2019
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