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Princess Stories

Princess Stories

Real Bible Stories of God's Princesses



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Princess Stories is the big sister to popular board book My Princess Bible. Princess Stories, appropriate for girls ages 4 to 8, is a collection of first-person narrative stories about 29 women in the Bible"”and the 30th story is about the reader, who is God's princess too.

In each four-page story, the reader gets a rhyming verse about the princess (addressed to "Mirror, mirror on the wall"), a first-person story of the featured Bible woman and the special quality her life reflects, a Bible verse from another passage of Scripture that summarizes/relates to the character trait, and Princess Ponderings"”questions that help girls and their parents discuss the stories and relate the lessons to life.

Through this book, girls will learn more in-depth stories of women of the Bible and how to apply Scripture to their own lives.
ISBN: 9781414348117
Tyndale House Publishers
Product Code: 195523
Dimensions: 203 x 254 mm
Binding: Hard Cover
Release Date: 30.12.2011
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