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Quick Look At The Rapture And The Second Coming, A

Quick Look At The Rapture And The Second Coming, A



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What is the rapture? When is the second coming? Why is there so much talk about Bible prophecy, and what is it all about?

There's no better place to go for clear, specific answers than to God's Word, which is what Bible prophecy expert Tim LaHaye does in this Quick Look guide to the last days.

This book, based on decades of careful research, presents a concise picture of the end times. You'll learn about the two most important events to take place in the future—the rapture and second coming—and along the way, discover answers to questions such as…

  • Will Christ's return be literal, or is it merely symbolic?
  • What signs of the last days can we expect to see in the days ahead?
  • How can you be ready for these events?
ISBN: 9780736958707
Harvest House Publishers
Product Code: 214552
Dimensions: 133 x 203 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 64
Release Date: 01.12.2013
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