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Radical Christianity

Radical Christianity

An Urgent Heart-cry For Radical Kingdom Advancement



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Radical Christianity is Jonathan Conrathe's heart-cry to the Western Church to rise up boldly to preach the Gospel with signs following and make no apology for the uniqueness of Christ, the absolute truth of God's Word, and its call upon humanity to repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Only Way of salvation. We hope that the Lord will use these words to spark fresh passion for God and His great cause in the heart of the reader… to reach the world with His life changing love and power as expressed in the good news of the Gospel, and bring forth from the nations a pure and spotless Bride for His Son. This book is uncompromising, passionate, thought-provoking and deeply challenging.
ISBN: 9780955378393
Push Publishing
Product Code: 727341
UPC: PP011
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 29.08.2015
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