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Radical Redemption

Radical Redemption

The Real Story of Manny Mill



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'I could have been dead so many times. I always spent more money than I had, I was always in over my head, and I was always involved in too many things at one time...Everything I did was with me in mind.'   - Manny Mill

Descending into a life of debauchery, Manny Mill found himself teetering on the edge of personal and financial disaster.

In this candid and vividly personal book, Manny tells how His pursuit of pleasure led him to the depths of human despair. A declared fugitive of the law, he was running from the FBI when he ran into Christ and a life of radical redemption. Manny's experiences will thrill you. His faith will inspire you. And his words will challenge you to think about your life, your relationship with the God of the universe and your need for a radical redemption.


Products » BOOKS » Biography » Autobiography
ISBN: 9780802408839
Moody Publishers
Product Code: 282016
108 x 13 x 178 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 224
Release Date: 01.12.2012
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