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Realm of Darkness

Realm of Darkness



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Emma D’Eresby can look forward to a future with Matthew Lynes. She at last reveals to Matthew the nature of her relationship with Guy Hilliard – her supervisor at Cambridge – and the reason she has found it difficult to forgive him and trust any other. Their joy at marrying is short lived as, to her disgust, Emma discovers that Guy is visiting the States to attend the history conference at which she is the keynote speaker. Although everyone seems charmed by him, Emma doesn’t trust Guy. Worse still, she discovers that Guy is dating Ellie, Matthew’s great-granddaughter, bringing him within the family fold. Long held grudges and wounds surface and it is clear that Guy poses a threat to everything Emma loves.
ISBN: 9781782641964
Producer: Lion Hudson
Product Code: 900250
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 24.02.2017
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