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Redeeming Ruth

Redeeming Ruth

Everything Life Takes, Love Restores


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Redeeming Ruth is the inspirational, true story of an abandoned baby, a devastating diagnosis, and the way God loves broken, hurting people through us, even though we too may be broken and hurt. When Meadow met her, Ruth was a sixteen-month-old child some church friends were hosting from an orphanage in Uganda. She had cerebral palsy and was so weak she couldn’t lift her head. Although Meadow had always felt a call to adopt, she wasn't sure if she was the right person to raise this special child. But Ruth's infectious and joyful smile prevailed over Meadow and her family--and their whole community. None of their lives would ever be the same. Part family drama, part travel adventure, and part memoir, Redeeming Ruth is the riveting, against-all-odds story of the most unlikely pairing of a small-town New England family and their adventure in adopting Ruth, an orphan girl from Uganda. Honest, raw, and illuminating, this book explores what happens when we sacrificially reach out and share God's love with others. While the Merrills realized it would be a tough road, they didn’t foresee the challenges and joys that would overwhelm them with hardship, laughter, and a deep and exuberant love, the love of an orphan girl redeemed.
ISBN: 9781619709072
Hendrickson Publishers
Product Code: 10030960
Dimensions: 140 x 216 mm
Binding: Hard Cover
Number of pages: 223
Release Date: 01.06.2017
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