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Reformed Expository Commentary: James

Reformed Expository Commentary: James



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Retail price:  £24.50
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With 59 commands in 108 verses, the epistle of James contains an obvious zeal for law. James, in his imperatives, directs us to the royal law, the law of King Jesus (2:8). Because of this, the hasty reader will not see much of the gospel in James, but as Doriani reveals in his insightful commentary, the double mention of God's grace at the rhetorical climax of the book shows that the gospel of James is still the message of God's grace for sinners.
ISBN: 9780875527857
P&R Publishing
Product Code: 10047250
Dimensions: 152 x 229 mm
Binding: Hard Cover
Number of pages: 240
Release Date: 01.03.2007
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