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Reposition Yourself

Reposition Yourself

Living Life Without Limits


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The bestselling author of non-fiction and fiction books and film, leader of a congregation of 30,000 members and a business empire, Bishop T.D. Jakes continues to teach and demonstrate ways to lead a prosperous and balanced life based on faith. Reposition Yourself teaches spiritual principles of prosperity and success. Bishop T.D. Jakes explains from a Christian point of view how to re-evaluate and reconstruct your attitudes about giving, sharing, and reaping the rewards of life - financial and otherwise. He encourages readers to give themselves permission to succeed, give in a spirit of love, practice the discipline to observe the principle of divine portion, and so much more that will lead to prosperity and fulfilment. Grounded solidly in Biblical teachings, Reposition Yourself shows readers themselves - their character and their circumstances - a way to apply the lessons of scripture in everyday professional and personal life.
ISBN: 9781847394217
Simon & Schuster
Product Code: 562706
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 288
Release Date: 27.08.2015
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