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Restored And Forgiven

Restored And Forgiven

The Power Of Restorative Justice



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When Ray and Vi Donovan were awoken in the early hours of the morning to the horrific news that their two sons had been attacked by a gang while returning home that night, they felt as though their world had ended. The couple discovered that one of their sons, Christopher, was fighting for his life. He later died from the injuries he sustained in the brutal attack. The Donovans would have been forgiven for holding onto the anger they felt at the perpetrators forever. In this powerful and moving testimony, the Donovan’s explain how they have forgiven the boys that murdered their son. Ray and Vi have become prolific campaigners for restorative justice, giving talks in prisons, schools, probation services, YOTs and youth clubs across the country. They also take part in face to face meetings with gang members and run workshops on the benefits of restorative justice for victims. Ray and Vi’s own charity, the Chris Donovan Trust, was set up in memory of their son, and aims to educate prisoners and young people on the impact of violent crime.
ISBN: 9781610369701
Producer: Bridge Logos
Product Code: 10051935
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 112
Release Date: 01.10.2018


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