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Rethink Your Life

Rethink Your Life


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One third of adults in the United States—some 71 million people—are currently dieting to make positive changes in their health. Yet physical fitness is only one aspect of living a “Total Quality Life.” Even if we get our bodies in shape through physical diets, we still do not have total health if our thought-life is not in proper balance. The way we think determines the way we act. Thoughts become actions and actions become habits, so gaining control of our thoughts is the critical first step in making positive life changes. The Apostle Paul knew that when he urged us to bring all of our thoughts into captivity and to abandon the practice of conforming the way we think to the low level of the world around us. Instead, we should be transformed by the renewing of our minds! Our thoughts are the key to maintaining healthy and productive lives. In The Mind Diet, best-selling author and leadership mentor Stan Toler outlines the practical steps anyone can take to discover purpose, focus, decision-making, and improve their quality of life by renewing the mind. This helpful book will lead readers to genuine life change through the most basic Christian discipline—renewing the mind.
ISBN: 9780898273731
Wesleyan Publishing House
Product Code: 716636
Binding: Hard Cover
Release Date: 08.10.2008
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