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Rocking Ordinary: Leader Guide

Rocking Ordinary: Leader Guide

Holding it Together with Extraordinary Grace



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This leader guide has been developed for ease of use, to simply “open and grow.” As a leader, you can follow the basic symbols to guide you through the material. In Rocking Ordinary, Lea Ann Garfias comes alongside you like a true friend and shows you how an ordinary life can be lived with extraordinary influence. A gifted teacher and storyteller, she meets you exactly where you are — in the everyday, messy, stressful, kids screaming, laundry piling, everyday life, and encourages you, loves you, and roots for you as you begin rocking your ordinary.
ISBN: 9780892217489
New Leaf Press
Product Code: 10025732
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 13.10.2016
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