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Roll Away the Stone

Roll Away the Stone



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The Christian journey that leads to a tomb also leads beyond it to the glory of Easter Day. Using the daily Gospel readings for Lent to Easter as a starting point, Brian Fahy has written a personal reflection for each day of the journey to Easter, bringing together positive, heart-warming and inspirational stories and memories from his own life. When the goal of all our striving is a bright one, when there is a joyful end to our pilgrimage, then the days of walking are lifted from being merely a trek and a trudge through the valley of darkness. We need bright purposes every day of our lives. We need to know we are going somewhere.
ISBN: 9781848677401
Producer: Kevin Mayhew
Product Code: 953840
UPC: 1501455
Weight: 303.000kg
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 01.09.2014
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