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Sabiduria Para Prosperar

Sabiduria Para Prosperar



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Why ask for less from a God who promises much more? Wisdom is the ability to see things from the highest perspective, and react to them according to the principles that rule success. It is applying spiritual insight to earthly circumstances. It attracts, accepts, and amplifies abundance. Yader Simpson teaches us in a practical way how to develop a wisdom capable of making the best decisions, and bringing us into the prosperity we have always dreamed. Wisdom to Prosper is a highly effective action plan to improve your life and bring you into fulfilling abundance. In this book you will learn to: • Budget your money • Plan your expenses • Save with a vision • Know the art of investment • Receive the blessing of multiplication • Manage and increase abundance
ISBN: 9781629117607
Whitaker Publishers
Product Code: 10026913
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 02.08.2016
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