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Seeing The Church

Seeing The Church

When Your Purpose Collides with God's Passion



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God has a plan, a purpose. This purpose is not an afterthought, not a Plan B, not a panic response to the Fall of Man. Instead this plan was conceived in the heart of God way back in eternity past. This plan is quite simply - The Church. God's life, God's blessing, God's anointing flows into and through His Church. We serve an awesome God, a God far bigger than our concept or understanding of Him. He is the unfathomable God, the unknowable God, the unapproachable God and the unseen God. And yet God's plan and purpose from eternity past was to make Himself understood, knowable, approachable and visible. He does this by first giving us His Son Jesus, and then, through His Church which is the fullness of Him who fills everything in every way. God is many sided, He is multifaceted, yet each expression of His Church is an expression of who He is. The Church is His Assembly, His Building, His House, His Family, His Body, His Bride, His Sheepfold and His Army. In seeing the Church as God sees it, we also see ourselves and the part we can play in God's wonderful plan.


Products » BOOKS » Church » Church Life
ISBN: 9781979224321
Producer: Createspace
Product Code: 10044651
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 362
Release Date: 27.10.2017
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