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Shades Of Doon

Shades Of Doon



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In the third Doon novel by Carey Corp and Lorie Langdon, Veronica is rescued from death by her prince, Jamie, but the spell he cast in saving her has now unleashed a new horror on the land of Doon. As Jamie’s behavior becomes more erratic, Veronica and Kenna, must find a way to save Jamie from himself—but their actions could have dire consequences. After cheating death, Veronica Welling is determined to savor every moment in her idyllic kingdom with both her true love and best friend by her side at last. At the same time, Mackenna Reid is enthusiastically building her new life and a theater with her prince. But just as their dreams of happiness are within reach, the world Vee and Kenna have chosen is ripped away, leaving them to face their most horrific challenge yet—their old lives. Thrust out of Doon, the best friends are confronted with tormentors from their past and no way to return to their adopted land. When the MacCrae brothers rush to their rescue, the girls’ situation turns from nightmare to modern-day fairy tale. But their happiness could be short lived: unbeknownst to them, someone in their closest circle is aiding the witch of Doon in her bid to destroy the kingdom once and for all.
ISBN: 9780310742357
Producer: Zondervan
Product Code: 243436
Weight: 648.000kg
Binding: Hard Cover
Number of pages: 352
Release Date: 01.09.2015
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