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Should Christians Embrace Evolution?

Should Christians Embrace Evolution?

Biblical and scientific responses



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God speaks. By his Spirit. Through the Bible. About his Son. This is one of the most crucial things for any Christian to get to grips with. If we understand how God speaks, then we can truly know him. Everything else slots into place. We see Jesus clearly. We fall in love with him more deeply. We make sense of our world. But get this wrong and we lose it all. This book covers the whole sweep of the subject from start to finish. It puts all the parts of the jigsaw in their proper place. Yet, mixing our metaphors, it’s also an appetizer, whetting your palate for more... 
ISBN: 9781844744060
Producer: IVP UK
Product Code: 498176
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 192
Release Date: 20.11.2009
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