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Sooner Than You Think

Sooner Than You Think

A Prophetic Guide to the End Times



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In 2013, I had a dream that rocked my world. If you had asked me if I thought that Jesus was coming back in my lifetime, I would have said yes—but deep in my heart, I would not have been sure. But all that has changed. I was not even thinking about the Lord’s return when I had the most vivid dream. God spoke to me three times and said, "I am coming back soon! I am coming back soon! I am coming back soon! What did this mean? It means exactly what He said.” —Sid Roth
ISBN: 9780768406092
Destiny Image, Inc.
Product Code: 323251
130 x 13 x 203 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 224
Release Date: 17.02.2015
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