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Speak Up With Confidence

Speak Up With Confidence

A Step-by-Step Guide for Speakers and Leaders



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Whether speaking to a crowd or small group, you want your audience to really understand your message. Speak Up with Confidence is a step-by-step guide that will walk you through preparing and delivering any kind of presentation, whether you are sharing your testimony, preparing a devotional, or leading a meeting or workshop. A sought-after speaker, Carol Kent is a reassuring guide through the often intimidating world of public presentation—from deciding on your topic and speaking points to engaging with your audience and delivering your talk well. Rich in stories and packed with helpful tips and insights, this book will transform the way you communicate, opening up a new world of ministry for you. If you want to be a leader in your church or simply want to be more comfortable talking in front of others, this book will give you the organizational skills and tips you need to make your presentation a success.
ISBN: 9781600061448
Tyndale House Publishers
Product Code: 176207
Dimensions: 140 x 210 mm
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 02.06.2020
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