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Stepping into Grace

Stepping into Grace

Moving Beyond Ambition to Contemplative Mission



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Journey with the prophet Jonah...Written by someone with experience of pioneering mission, reflecting on the Jonah story in the light of his experience, Stepping into Grace finds powerful connections between the call and mission of Jonah and the mission context of our own time. Using the narrative thread of the biblical story to explore themes of ambition, vocation, spirituality, mission, leadership and personal growth, it argues for a ministry rooted in grace, where who we are becoming in Christ provides a foundation for our participation in the mission of God. This unique journey takes us to a place of grace where the work of God, in shaping who we are, finds space alongside what we feel called to do. 'When the people of the Bible needed to work out their choices and challenges of God and faith they told a story. Paul Bradbury has done the same. He has listened, wrestled and travelled with Jonah's story through his own calling. The result is honest, creative and transforming.' David Runcorn, author of Dust and Glory (BRF, 2015) 'To quote the paraphrase: "God's strength shows up best in weak people." This book unpacks that truth in a refreshingly humble, inspiring and personal way. A must read for aspiring pioneer leaders.' Phil Potter, Leader of Fresh Expressions
ISBN: 9780857465238
Bible Reading Fellowship
Product Code: 10024918
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 15.11.2016
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