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Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention

Hope When Life Seems Hopeless



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Nothing is as heart-breaking as a loved one who has lost hope and is contemplating suicide. A person who seems cheerful one day can slip into despair and hopelessness the next. God's heart is tender and full of compassion toward those experiencing deep pain. Prevention requires compassion toward the sufferer, along with practical steps and biblical assurance of God's love. Suicide Prevention covers the steps to identifying and preventing suicide using a Christian approach. You'll learn how to better reflect God's heart to help those hurting, and you'll gain practical insight on what to say and what to do as you reach out to a suicidal loved one.
ISBN: 9781596366800
Rose Publishing
Product Code: 564355
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 96
Release Date: 02.06.2017
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