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Surviving and Thriving in Seminary

Surviving and Thriving in Seminary



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Seminary can give you a great foundation for future success in ministry, but it can also come with its share of challenges. Without proper preparation, it is possible to struggle in your studies or maintain a healthy personal and spiritual life. Surviving and Thriving in Seminary is designed to prepare current and future seminary students for what's ahead. In it, two seminary professors (and former seminary students) tell you what they tell their students, and what they wish they'd known. This book aims to teach you skills that will help you thrive in the areas of your personal life, time management, and study practices. While seminary is always a rigorous experience, you don't have to struggle through it. You can thrive.
ISBN: 9781577997788
Producer: Lexham Press
Product Code: 10027577
Binding: Paperback
Release Date: 01.03.2017
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