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Surviving The Loss Of A Child

Surviving The Loss Of A Child

Support for Grieving Parents



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There is hope for a brighter tomorrow Nothing can destroy your world like losing a child. It is devastating on a level that most people can't imagine. Once you have experienced such a tragedy, you may feel that you will never again be able to live with peace and joy. Written after the death of the author's own child, Surviving the Loss of a Child offers you compassionate encouragement born from deep sorrow. You will find no pat answers or patronizing panaceas here--just real words of healing from someone who has been exactly where you are now. Hurting parents will find this book a source of comfort, while concerned friends, counselors, pastors, and caregivers will find it a perfect gift for the bereaved. Its short chapters and proven coping mechanisms are easy to take in. There is life after death--even the death of a beloved child. Discover how you can go on living and reclaim hope in your heart.
ISBN: 9780800733568
Baker Book House
Product Code: 201476
Dimensions: 140 x 216 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 208
Release Date: 01.04.2010
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