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Teddy Bear Miniature - Faith That Sticks Stickers

Teddy Bear Miniature - Faith That Sticks Stickers



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Retail price:  £2.65
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Adorable teddy bear stickers will be a hit with all the little ones in your home or classroom. Twelve different designs show cute little teddies playing with toys, holding hearts and flowers, and reading the Bible. Stickers are approx. ½' x ½' making them ideal for charts as well. A great value! Six sheets, 36 stickers per sheet; 216 stickers per package.
ISBN: 9781414394503
Tyndale House Publishers
Product Code: 197750
Dimensions: 102 x 146 mm
Weight: 18.000kg
Binding: Stickers
Release Date: 14.03.2014
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