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The Angry Christian

The Angry Christian

A Bible-Based Strategy To Care For And Discipline A Valuable Emotion



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A needed antidote for our culture of anger. As both mainstream and Christian culture become more polarized and terms like “age of anger” become commonplace, The Angry Christian meets a desperate need. Not self-help or psychology, this book looks first and foremost at the Bible for answers to the problems of anger. The Bible’s answer? Christians can be good and be angry at the same time. This is possible, and spiritually healthy, if you allow the Holy Spirit to strengthen you to get angry for the right reasons, and keep your anger under control. Ghezzi also shows you how to: Use anger constructively, Use scripture to discipline anger, Let anger help you overcome obstacles.   
ISBN: 9781640600393
Paraclete Press
Product Code: 10058061
Binding: Hard Cover
Number of pages: 96
Release Date: 15.05.2018
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