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The Beautiful Word Devotional

The Beautiful Word Devotional

Bringing The Goodness Of Scripture To Life In Your Heart



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He has made everything beautiful in its time. Ecclesiastes 3:11 Your devotional time is precious as you draw near to the Lord and experience His love in your life. The Beautiful Word Devotional is the perfect companion to help you experience His goodness through His Word as beautifully lettered Scripture. This devotional includes: 182 verses illustrated in full color Special places to write your own reflections Warm devotions for each day of the year Dive into 365 devotions to nurture your spirit and encourage your heart as God’s Word washes over you with its promises. With lovely devotions and inspiring images, The Beautiful Word Devotional will refresh your heart daily as you seek to enjoy God’s Word in a creative way.
Producer: Thomas Nelson
ISBN: 9780718088491
Product Code: 10030166
Dimensions: 168 x 209 mm
Binding: Hard Cover
Number of pages: 400
Release Date: 01.05.2017
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