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The Bible And Archaeology

The Bible And Archaeology



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The Bible and Archaeology  is a brief, popular (but very informed and up-to-date) introduction on the relationship between the Bible and archaeology. Material culture (i.e., artifacts) and the biblical text illuminate each other in various ways, but laypeople—especially those who consider the biblical text sacred—rarely have a nuanced understanding of how this process works or how archaeological discoveries should be interpreted. This book provides an irenic and balanced perspective on this issue, showing how texts and artifacts are in a fascinating “dialogue” with one another that sheds light on the meaning and importance of both. The emerging picture is a rich and complex one that enlivens our understanding of the Bible and helps us appreciate its message and the historical and cultural contexts in which it was written, and that helps us be realistic about the limits of our knowledge.
ISBN: 9781619709119
Hendrickson Publishers
Product Code: 10053336
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 168
Release Date: 23.05.2018
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