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The Bible Cure for Thyroid Disorders

The Bible Cure for Thyroid Disorders

Ancient Truths, Natural Remedies and the Latest Findings for Your Health Today



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OVER 3 MILLION BIBLE CURE BOOKS SOLD FROM THE NEW YORK TIMES BEST SELLING AUTHOR OF THE SEVEN PILLARS OF HEALTH AND I CAN DO THIS DIET Are you among millions suffering from a thyroid disorder? Overcome your situation with these truths You may have a thyroid condition and not even know. If you’re not eating the right foods or know the facts, you might be fueling this problem. In this concise, easy-to-read book you’ll discover how to win the battle over thyroid disorders. With medical facts, supplemental suggestions and key scripture passages you can a plan for victory over the condition that is afflicting you. You will discover findings that may change your life! · Keep your thyroid healthy with your diet · Zero in on a likely culprit: autoimmune disorders · Explore natural supplements for hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. · How much salt do you really need? You want to be healthy. God wants you to be healthy. Now at last here’s a source of information that will help you live in health body, mind and spirit.
ISBN: 9781591852810
Charisma House
Product Code: 10052425
102 x 6 x 152 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 96
Release Date: 02.02.2004
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