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The Book of Acts

The Book of Acts

Witnesses to the World

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"God uses ordinary people like you and me. WE EASILY IDENTIFY WITH THE PEOPLE IN ACTS because Luke never allows us to forget their humanity. It's impossible to confuse Peter or Paul with fictional characters. No ancient novelist would ever have created men whose lives were characterized by such dramatic contradictions: the brash and blustering everyman who blossoms overnight into an elder statesman; a movement's most infamous persecutor who develops into its most prominent advocate. Luke has drawn two millennial's worth of readers into the overlapping apostolic ""adventures of these two first-century Jewish men who
ISBN: 9781617154959
AMG Publishers
Product Code: 10042151
152 x 29 x 229 mm
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 288
Release Date: 30.01.2018
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